A look at a map of the far west of Cornwall shows you that the sea is on three sides. It’s the bit in between – the roads encircling the moors, the lanes, sharp hills and swooping descents – that Penzance Wheelers makes its own. It’s a landscape sculpted by the sun, wind and rain, things cyclists know about only too well. To the north, the Atlantic. To the south, the channel. Separated at its narrowest point by about 30 minutes of pedal strokes, it nevertheless contains the kind of training roads that have seen Penzance Wheelers produce riders of regional, national and international standing.
Take a look at our Race Info page for updates on races
Ride with us
Our weekly club ride meets at 9am every Sunday morning at the car park outside Jordan’s Café, Long Rock TR17 0AA (also known as Marazion Station Car Park).
There are usually 3 groups.
Distance is around 30 – 65 miles, and a coffee/cake stop at one of West Cornwall’s fine cafés is always included. No-one is dropped, and we wait for riders should they have a puncture or mechanical trouble.
There is also a mid-week ride: 9:30am Thursdays, normally doing around 35 – 45 miles.
If you are interested in racing our events calendar includes races and events in the region.
If you’re new to cycling and looking to develop your interest and learn how to ride in a group, a Wheelers club ride is a great place to start. And if you’re down on holiday and fancy spending a few hours on Cornish roads in the company of like-minded souls, we’re happy to have you along.
Group 1
For faster-paced, more experienced cyclists.
Group 2
A steadier, more sportive-type ride.
Group 3
For those who prefer a more touring pace.
It’s always worth stating, but a few basic essentials can make all the difference on a ride.
Wear warm and weatherproof clothing, especially in winter. Bring your own pump, spare tubes, drink, money and a mobile phone (if you can set up ICE contacts on it even better). In winter, mudguards will help keep you (and the others you’re riding with) clean and dry.
And of course, everyone on a club ride must wear a helmet.
Our group rides are covered under Cycling UK’s affiliated club insurance policy.