7.30pm At the Star Inn, Crowlas
Minutes 19th Sept 2023
Apologies: Ana Teixeira, Beth Berriman, David Goodrich
Committee members present:
Jonathan Butt, Anthony Green, Mike Tonkin, Mark Travis,
Non committee present: John Faz, Phil Bowden
1. Update on CTT, Time Trials and racing.
Anthony informed committee about current situation regarding SW district committee and risk assessments on courses. Also talked about process for running events. We all agreed that the club should ensure that PZW events are run in accordance with the guidelines and regulations.
We also talked about the Lands End race and Anthony explained reasons for cancelling the event – he also confirmed that the national event will run next year and we will run a test event early 2024.
Entry fee for PZW open events will increase to £15 to help cover expenses – and we will try and make all PZW pre-entry (including club events).
We also talked about plans for next year including Carnon Classic.
2. Update on Charity ride
Mark told committee that amount raised was approx. £700 for British Heart Foundation. Despite the weather there was a good turn out from lots of clubs.
Bake Off winners were announced – usual very high standard.
3. Anniversary ride
Mike has not had much joy getting firm date from Heartlands – so we will approach them to see when they are free – likely now ride will be in November.
4. Awards
Anthony will send over list to committee for nominations of the non-competitive awards – he will also contact the sailing club again and look at guest speaker.
Roller racing might be combined with Cornish Cup presentation - tbc
5. AOB
Membership on BC is now 99. Look out for emails regarding 2024 affiliation.
End of September protest ride – we will try and combine with fish n chip ride.